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"Blueprint Cabinet: an anthology"

"Blueprint Cabinet: an anthology of letters" is an artwork that encompasses a big wooden and glass cabinet, serving as a visual portal. Within this cabinet, a collection of prints on fabric fabrics unfolds, inviting viewers to delve into an alternative archive of encounters, written gestures and visual anthropology.

The tall, imposing hardwood cabinet itself echoes the tenacity but also the authority of the archive throughout history. As viewers peer through the glass, they are greeted by an arrangement of elements curated to represent a blueprint for moments of transformation.


The prose-written fictional letters and postcards go along with the visual imagery. These texts add depth and support to the photos by providing a close-up look at the feelings, aspirations, and difficulties depicted.


The photographs in the collection are a mixture of contemporary images and vintage found photos, each one carefully curated to show the diversity of queer experiences.


Sterre Pomper Studio

Care Design LAB

Louwesweg 6

1066 EC Amsterdam


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